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“ 写作 ”



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of motivation and methods in learning. You can cite examples to illustrate your views. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.



其实,结构上还是按照典型的议论文写法, 分为三段,中间举例论证添加合适的逻辑关系词;在内容上稍作调整,首段陈述观点时将两者结合起来,中间段举某一个角度的例子分别展开论述,结尾段提出对策和展望。只是在内容上可以根据题目稍作调整,在文章中将“动力”和“学习方法”两者联系起来即可。内容上可以借鉴以往作文中的句子,如2015年6月如“好奇心是最好的老师”等。

本次写作的难点在于,题目中的两者可能给大家造成困惑,分开论述时表达上不能很好的将两件事联系起来,以及在考场上临场想不到合适的例子来支撑自己的观点, 言之无物。另外,词汇和语法等语言问题仍是导致大家失分的重要因素。


Admittedly, motivation and proper methods are two determine factors in learning process. It is no exaggeration to say that they are not only significant but also necessary as no one will ever achieve success without the support of the two elements.

Countless examples have helped prove this truth. Yu Minhong, the founder of XDF took the University entrance exam three times in purpose of seeking a better life and started his career with setting up a training center that latter became very successful in pursuit of the education dream. Apparently, it is the fervent passion that has driven him on his way to success. In addition, he mentioned several times how efficient and helpful it is to learn English by means of reading a lot and memorizing new words publicly. Thus, there is no doubt that reasonable methods play a crucial significant role in learning.

As a college student, I consider that only by acquiring motivation and proper methods, can I obtain satisfied learning results. Therefore, parents and teachers are supposed to encourage their kids in daily life and help them develop good learning habits.(185words)



本题属于议论文话题作文中典型的题目,我们课上重点讲解过,只要按照典型的议论文写法, 配合课上给出的重点句型,不难取得合理的分数——其实,结构上还是按照典型的议论文写法, 分为三段,中间举例论证添加合适的逻辑关系词;在内容上稍作调整,首段陈述观点时将两者结合起来,中间段从一个角度举例子分别从“动力的重要性“”方法的重要性“展开论述,结尾段提出对策和展望。可以借鉴以往作文中的句子,如2015年6月如“好奇心是最好的老师”等。


Admittedly, motivation and proper methods are two determine factors in learning process. It is no exaggeration to say that they are not only significant but also necessary as no one will ever achieve success without the support of the two elements.

首段用两到三句话阐明观点,用合适的副词”Admittedly”和句型“It is no exaggeration to say that they are not only significant but also necessary as”说明“动力”和”方法“的重要性,同样的副词还有“undoubtedly”,同样,句型可以灵活替换为“it is vitally important that”这样的表达,但是注意语法正确,语句通顺。


Countless examples have helped prove this truth. Yu Minhong, the founder of XDF took the University entrance exam three times in purpose of seeking a better life and started his career with setting up a training center that latter became very successful in pursuit of the education dream. Apparently, it is the fervent passion that has driven him on his way to success. In addition, he mentioned several times how efficient and helpful it is to learn English by means of reading a lot and memorizing new words publicly. Thus, there is no doubt that reasonable methods play a crucial significant role in learning.

中间段用2-5句话论证。举例论述段落,先用“Countless examples have helped prove this truth. ”这样的句型引出例子。之后举例+论证,分别说明“动力”和“方法”的重要性。注意句子之间添加连接词,呈现清晰的逻辑关系。中间适当运用词汇替手段、以及并列句、复合句、宾语从句、定语从句和强调句等复杂句式,体现表达的复杂性和多样性。


As a college student, I consider that only by acquiring motivation and proper methods, can Iobtain satisfied learning results. Therefore, parents and teachers are supposed to encourage their kids in daily life and help them develop good learning habits.



“ 听力理解 ”






其次第一题正确答案的deal with a troublesome client在原文中反复出现三次,也和上课跟大家讲的,“六级的细节题,是给一遍,再给一遍,还有第三遍”,当然较为简单的出题方式是:三遍给一样的。

比如2016.6真题中的market research,而这次是变换了不同的词在原文中出现,原文第一次“difficult client”第二次“a nightmare”第三次“especially particular”。


比如Long Conversation 2 里,两个人访谈话题为how to spend the college life,从第5题到第8题,几乎每道题都是原文

第5题:be more responsible for what they do

第6题:behave like adults

第7题:respect your students commitments

只有第8题:conduct to their academic studies在对应原文时需要“听懂”原文的整句“you shouldn’t allocate too much time to club activities unless they are related directly to your study”。可见“听选一致”原则在细节题上应用的比例之高。

升:话题难度上升;词汇难度上升。从段落听力到讲座听力,其话题选择均较为严谨,自然科学中的“mind and action”,社会话题的“go on a diet”,人文话题的“creation makes difference”等。其中心思想紧扣大纲,其题目和干扰项无懈可击。



比如本次Passage 1开头第一句的“unorthodox”这简直是令人发指的词汇,别说阅读了,见也没见过!但是,重要的来了!这个词对大家做题没!有!影!响!很大!别以为我在忽悠你,你接着听啊,“whose minds wander outside traditional ways of thinking”给咱解释了没有?没抓住是吗,还停在“刚才有个词儿没听懂,这是个啥”的蒙圈状态里,又补了一句解释“instead of refine old formulas, they invent new ones”。

这两句是解释了开头那个“非常规的,非传统的”,也就是说,开篇这个难词儿,人家是想告诉你本篇的中心思想是“发明新的方式,带来成功”,抓原文的“outside traditional”“invent new ones”即可知道“头”在哪里,这样后面的故事要讲什么,心里也就大概有了数。

这样第9题的答案,they break away traditional ways of thinking的出现,我们就能发现这是原文的摘要。所以大家记得,生词出现是必然的,但这些生词,多数都跟随了解释的句子,有时候是定语从句,有时候是for example,有时候是that is to say等这样的句式,是不是咱上课说过的听力的“信号词”啊?所以,“听到生词不要慌,总有解释来帮忙”。




本次短文 2自然科学类,以豚鼠试验开头,推理出情绪导致身体变化,进而话题升华为思想和身体的关系,话题虽然不熟悉,但是其行文结构是一篇非常典型的六级观点类、层层递进式陈述的文章,通篇支持了一个观点。

12题的they die almost instantly、13题的it has an instant effect on your body chemistry,都几乎是原文再现。

只有14题需要一点听懂原文并作出摘要的能力,原文的“It is impossible to be fearful, anxious and irritated and healthy at the same time”而且,原文还给后面紧跟补充了一句“It is not just difficult, it is impossible。”

总结出答案的“to enjoy good health while in the dark mood”。本次的讲座1也是这个结构,通篇支持了“专家和初学者关注的不同”这个话题,通过钢琴演奏家和篮球选手的举例,最后用科技手段的eye-tracker,说明了“愈专注,愈精彩”的观点,我们看到话题开篇即出,全文的问题都关注在细节上,问pianist,问basketball player,最后是on-line video,整个行文,中心突出,举例恰当,题文同序。



“ 阅读理解 ”



Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passages.

Professor Stephen Hawking has warned that the creation of powerful artificial intelligence (AI)will be “either the best, or the worst thing, ever to happen to humanity ”,and praised the creation of an academic institute dedicated to researching the future of intelligence as “crucial to the future of our civilisation and our species”.

Hawking was speaking at the opening of the Leverhulme Center for the Future of Intelligence(LCFI)at Cambridge University, a multi-disciplinary institute that will attempt to tackle some of the open-ended questions raised by the rapid pace of development in AI research. “We spend a great deal of time studying history,” Hawking said, “which, let’s face it, is mostly the history of stupidity. So it’s a welcome change that people are studying instead the future of intelligence.”

While the world-renowned physicist has often been cautious about AI, raising concerns that humanity could be the architect of its own destruction if it creates a super-intelligence with a will of its own, he was also quick to highlight the positives that AI research can bring “The potential benefits of creating intelligence are huge”, he said, “We cannot predict what we might achieve when our own minds are amplified by AL. Perhaps with the tools of this new technological revolution, we be able to undo some of the damage done to the natural world by the last one— Industrialization. And surely we will aim to finally eradicate disease and poverty. And every aspect of our civilisation.”

Huw Price, the centre’s academic director and the Bertrand Russell professor of philosophy at Cambridge University , where Hawking is also an academic ,said that the centre came about partially as a result if the university’s Center for Existential Risk. That institute examined a wider range of potential problems for humanity, while the LCFI has a narrow focus.

AI pioneer Margaret Boden, professor of cognitive at the University of Sussex, praised the progress of such discussions .As recently as 2009, she said, the topic wasn’t taken seriously, even among AI researchers. “AI is hugely exciting.” She said, “but it has limitations, which present grave dangers given uncritical use.”

The academic community is not alone in warning about the potential dangers of AI as well as the potential benefits. A number of pioneers from the technology industry, most famously the entrepreneur Elon Musk, have also expressed their concerns about the damage that a super-intelligent AI could do to humanity.

46. What did Stephen Hawking think of artificial intelligence?

A) It would be vital to the progress of human civilization.

B) It might be a blessing or a disaster in the making.

C) It might present challenges as well as opportunities.

D) It would be a significant expansion of human intelligence.

47. What did Hawking say about the creation of the LCFI?

A) It would accelerate the progress of AI research.

B) It would mark a step forward in the AI industry.

C) It was extremely important to the destiny of humankind.

D) It was an achievement of multi-disciplinary collaboration.

48. What did Hawking say was a welcome change in AI research?

A) The shift of research focus from the past to the future.

B) The shift of research from theory to implementation.

C) The greater emphasis on the negative impact of AI.

D) The increasing awareness of mankind’s past stupidity.

49. What concerns did Hawking raise about AI?

A) It may exceed human intelligence sooner or later.

B) It may ultimately over-amplify the human mind.

C) Super-intelligence may cause its own destruction.

D) Super-intelligence may eventually ruin mankind.

50. What do we learn about some entrepreneurs from the technology industry?

A) They are much influenced by the academic community.

B) They are most likely to benefit from AI development.

C) They share the same concerns about AI as academics.

D) They believe they can keep AI under human control.


46. B It might be a blessing or a disaster in the making.

细节匹配题:由题干中的“Hawking”和“artificial intelligence”定位到文章第一段的“either the best, or the worst thing”, B选项中的关键词“blessing or disaster”为同义改写。

47. C It was extremely important to the destiny of humankind.

细节匹配题:由题干中的“LCFI”定位到第一段的最后一句和第二段。第一段最后一句提到“academic institute”就是和“LDFI”是同义指代,这一句的意思是“这个学术机构旨在研究人工智能对于我们文明和人类未来的重要性”这和C选项的“the destiny of humankind”人类命运是同义改写的。此题的定位有些心机,需要考生真正理解“academic institute”和“LCFI”为同一个事,这种“同义不同形”的指代现象需要考生格外注意。

48. A The shift of research focus from the past to the future.

细节匹配题:由题干中的“welcome change”可以定位到第二段的最后一句话,其意思是“因此,这是受人欢迎的改变,人们开始(由过去)转向研究智慧生命的未来”这句话的关键是“过去到未来的转变”,选项中只有A选项是符合的。

49. D Super-intelligence may eventually ruin mankind.


50. C They share the same concern about AI as academics




Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

The market for products designed specifically for older adults could reach $30 billion by next year, and startups(初创公司) want in on the action. What they sometimes lack is feedback from the people who they hope will use their products. So Brookdale, the country’s largest owner of retirement communities, has been inviting a few select entrepreneurs just to move in for a few days, show off their products and hear what the residents have to say.

That’s what brought Dayle Rodriguez, 28, all the way from England to the dining room of Brookdale South Bay in Torrance, California. Rodriguez is the community and marketing manager for a company called Sentab. The startup’s product, SentabTV, enables older adults who may not be comfortable with computers to access email, video chat and social media using just their televisions and a remote control.

“It’s nothing new, it’s nothing too complicated and it’s natural because lots of people have TV remotes,” says Rodriguez.

But none of that is the topic of conversation in the Brookdale dining room. Instead, Rodriguez solicits residents’ advice on what he should get on his cheeseburger and how he should spend the afternoon. Playing cards was on the agenda, as well as learning to play mahjong (麻将).

Rodriguez says it’s important that residents here don’t feel like he’s selling them something. “I’ve had more feedback in a passive approach,” he says. “Playing pool, playing cards, having diner, having lunch,” all works better “than going through a survey of questions. When they get to know me and to trust me, knowing for sure I’m not selling them something — there’ll be more honest feedback from them.”

Rodriguez is just the seventh entrepreneur to move into one of Brookdale’s 1,100 senior living communities. Other new products in the program have included a kind of full-body blow dryer and specially designed clothing that allows people with disabilities to dress and undress themselves.

Mary Lou Busch, 93, agreed to try the Sentab system. She tells Rodriguez hat it might be good for someone, but not for her.

“I have the computer and Facetime, which I talk with my family on,” she explains. She also has an iPad and I smartphone. “So I do pretty much everything I need to do.”

To be fair, if Rodriguez had wanted feedback from some more technophobic(害怕技术的) seniors, he might have ended up in the wrong Brookdale community. This one is located in the heart of Southern California’s aerospace corridor. Many residents have backgrounds in engineering, business and academic circles.

Rodriguez says he’s still learning something important by moving into this Brookdale community: “People are more tech-proficient than we thought.”

And besides, where else would he learn to play mahjong?

51What does the passage say about the startups?

A) They never lost time in upgrading products for seniors

B) They want to have a share of the senior’s goods market

C) They invite seniors to their companies to try their products

D) They try to profit from promoting digital products to seniors

52. Some entrepreneurs have been invited to Brookdale to______.

A) have an interview with potential customers.

B) conduct a survey of retirement communities.

C) collect residents’ feedback on their products.

D) show senior residents how to use IT products.

53. What do we know about SentabTV ?

A) It is a TV program catering to the interest of the elderly.

B) It is a digital TV which enjoys popularity among seniors.

C) It is a TV specially designed for seniors to view programs.

D) It is a communication system via TV instead of a computer.

54. What does Rodriguez say is important in promoting products?

A) Winning trust from prospective customers.

B) Knowing the likes and dislikes of customers.

C) Demonstrating their superiority on the spot.

D) Responding promptly to customer feedback.

55. What do we learn about the seniors in the Brookdale community?

A) Most of them are interested in using the Sentab.

B) They are quite at ease with high-tech products.

C) They have much in common with seniors elsewhere.

D) Most of them enjoy a longer life than average people.


51. B) They want to have a share of the senior’s goods market

52. C) collect residents’ feedback on their products.

53. D) It is a communication system via TV instead of a computer.

54. A) Winning trust from prospective customers.

55. B) They are quite at ease with high-tech products.


51. B) They want to have a share of the senior’s goods market

定位:由题干中“the startups”定位到第一段第一句“The market for products designed specifically

for older adults could reach $30 by next year, and startups want in on the action”

解析:同义替换。答案中“They want to have a share of the senior’s goods market”中的“goods market”对应原文定位处“The market for products”,答案中“the senior’s”对应原文中“for older adults”,答案中“They want to have a share ”对应原文中“startups want in on the action”

52. C) collect residents’ feedback on their products.

定位:由题干中“Some entrepreneurs”和“ Brookdale”定位到第一段“So Brook-dale,... has been inviting a few select entrepreneurs”

解析:同义替换。答案中“collect residents’ feedback ”对应原文定位处的“hear what the residents have to say. ”,答案“on their products”对应原文定位处“show off their products”

53. D) It is a communication system via TV instead of a computer.

定位:由题干中“know about SentabTV ”定位到第二段“Sentab TV, enables older adults...”

解析:理解替换。答案中“a communication system”对应原文定位处的“not be comfortable with computers to access email, video chat and social media”,答案中“via TV instead of a computer”对应原文定位处的“not be comfortable with computers... using just their televisions”

54. A) Winning trust from prospective customers.

定位:由题干中“Rodriguez”和“important in promoting products”定位到第五段“Rodriguez says it’s important that ”

解析:理解替换。答案中“Winning trust ”对应原文定位处的“When they get to know me and to trust me”,答案中“from prospective customers”对应原文定位处的“there’ll be more honest feedback from them”

55. B) They are quite at ease with high-tech products.

定位:由题干中“ the seniors in the Brookdale community”定位到第九段“... seniors, he might have ended up in the wrong Brookdale community”

解析:理解替换。答案中“quite at ease”对应原文定位处的“Many residents have backgrounds in engineering, business and academic circles... People are more tech-proficient than we thought”,答案中“high-tech products”对应原文定位处的“tech-proficient”



Section A

Direction: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word. for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choice, Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter .Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use of the words in the bank more than once.Pasta is no longer off the menu, after a new review of studies suggested that the carbohydrate can form part of a healthy diet, and even help people lose weight. For years, nutritionists have recommended that pasta be kept to a 26 ,to cut calories ,prevent fat build-up and stop blood sugar 27 up.

The low-carbohydrate food movement gave birth to such diets as the Atkins, Paleo and Keto, which advised swapping foods like bread, pasta and potatoes for vegetables, fish and meat. More recently the trend of swapping spaghetti for vegetables has been 28 by clean-eating experts.

But now a 29 review and analysis of 30 studies by Canadian researchers found that not only does pasta not cause weight gain, but three meals a week can help people drop more than half a kilometer over four months.The reviews found that pasta had been unfairly demonized(妖魔化)because it had been 30 in with other,more fat-promoting carbohydrates.

“The study found that pasta didn’t 31 to weight gain or increase in body fat,” said lead author Dr John Sievenpiper. “In 32 the evidence, we can now say with some confidence that pasta does not have an 33 effect on body weight outcomes when it is consumed as part of a healthy dietary pattern.” In fact, analysis actually showed a small weight loss. So 34 to concerns, perhaps pasta can be part of a healthy diet.

Those involved in the 35 trials on average ate 3.3 servings of pasta a week instead of other carbohydrates, one serving equaling around half a cup. They lost around half a kilogram over an average follow-up of 12 weeks.

A) adverse I) minimum

B) championed. J) radiating

C) clinical. K) ration

D) contrary. L) shooting

E) contribute. M) subscribe

F) intimate. N) systematic

G) lumped. O) weighing

H) magnified




26 I minimum


27 L shooting

此空可以根据排除法。语法结构“stop doing”表明此空需要动词ing形式,筛选后所给词还剩下J radiating传播,以及L shooting发射。语境表明此空需表明血压升高,且能和介词up搭配,选择 shoot up,表示迅速上升。

28 H magnified


29 N systematic

此空根据语法结构需要形容词,修饰对象是review and analysis。选词填空中,对于同一对象的修饰成分需要“互相连贯“,在之后有个”of 30 studies“表明这是一系列的评估和分析,选择systematic表示“系统的”最合适。

30 G lumped


31. E contribute

此空较为简单,句意理解为“pasta没有导致体重增加……”,而能和介词to搭配的表示“导致”的就是老面孔“contribute to”这一结构了。这一个空再次提醒考生,选词填空的设空难度没有前后难易递增或递减之说。

32. O weighing


33. A adverse

此空和32题构成“姊妹题”,这样的选项设置往往是“一空难、一空易”。这句话表明“证据表明了pasta对于体重没有____作用“,双重否定,应该填入表示不好的形容词,筛选后,填入adverse 不利的最合适。

34. D contrary

此空为简单的词组搭配题,contrary to concerns, 表示“和人们的担忧相反”。选词填空的短文一般是“颠覆人们常识或者与大众现象唱反调”的文章,并且是总分总结构,因此开头或者结尾常常表示“和大众所认为的不同”。

35. C clinical

此空所缺形容词,难点是trial这个单词的理解,其表示“试验;尝试”。所给单词中能和trial搭配的惯用表达为“clinical trial”表示为“临床试验”。如果考生在现场没有重复的词汇量,第二种方法是结合上下句,后一句表明这些人在特定时间内摄入特定的pasta,这是在描述一种试验现象,填入clinical 较合适。

Section B

Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

The Best Retailers Combine Bricks and Clicks

A) Retail profits are falling sharply. Stores are closing. Malls are emptying. The depressing stories just keep coming. Reading the earnings announcements of large retail stores like Macy’s, Nordstrom, and Target is about as uplifting as a tour of an intensive care unit. The internet is apparently taking down yet another industry .Brick and mortar stores (实体店) seem to be going the way of the yellow pages. Sure enough, the Census Bureau just released data showing that online retail sales surged 15.2 percent between the first quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of 2016.

B) But before you dump all of your retail stocks, there are more facts you should consider. Looking only at that 15.2 percent “surge” would be misleading .It was an increase that was on a small base of 6.9 percent. Even when a tiny number grows by a large percentage terms, it is often still tiny.

C) More than 20 years after the internet was opened to commerce, the Census Bureau tells that brick and mortar sales accounted for 92.3 percent of retail sales in the first quarter of 2016. Their data show that only 0.8 percent of retail sales shifted from offline to online between the beginning of 2015 and 2016.

D) So, despite all the talk about drone(无人机) deliveries to your doorstep ,all the retail executives expressing anxiety over consumers going online ,and even a Presidential candidate exclaiming that Amazon has a “huge antitrust problem,” the Census data suggest that physical retail is thriving. Of course, the closed stores, depressed executives, and sinking stocks suggest otherwise . What’s the real story?

E) Many firms operating brick and mortar stores are in trouble. The retail industry is getting “reinvented,” as we describe in our new book Matchmakers . It’s standing in the path of what Schumpeter called a gale(大风) of creative destruction. That store bas been brewing for some time , and as it has reached gale force, most large retailers are searching for a response. As the CFO of Macy’s put it recently , “We’re frankly scratching our heads”

F) But it’s not happening as experts predicted .In the peak of the http://dot.com bubble ,brick and mortar retail was one of those industries the internet was going to kill-and quickly. The http://dot.com bust discredited most predictions of that sort and in the years that followed, conventional retailers’ confidence in the future increased as Census continued to report weak online sales. And then the gale hit.

G) It is becoming increasingly clear that retail reinvention isn’t a simple battle to the death between bricks and clicks. It is about devising retail models that work for people who are making increasing use of a growing array of internet-connected tools to change how they search, shop and buy. Creative retailers are using the new technologies to innovate just about everything stores do from managing inventory, to marketing, to getting paid.

H) More than drones dropping a new supply of underwear on your doorstep. Apple’s massively successful brick-and -mortar-and-glass retail stores and Amazon’s small steps in the same direction are what should keep old-fashioned retailers awake at night. Not to mention the large number Of creative new retailers, like Bonobos, that are blending online and offline experiences in creative ways.

I) Retail reinvention is not a simple process, and it’s also not happening on what used to be called “Internet Time”. Some internet-driven changes have happened quickly, of course. Craigslist quickly overtook newspaper classified ads and turned newspaper economics upside down. But many widely anticipated changes weren’t quick, and some haven’t really started. With the benefit of hindsight(后见之明),it looks like the internet will transform the economy at something like the pace of other great inventions like electricity.B2Bcommerce,for example, didn’t move mainly online by 2005 as many had predicted in 2000,not even by 2016,but that doesn’t mean it won’t do so over the next few decades.

J) But the gale is still blowing. The sudden decline in foot traffic in recent years, even though it hasn’t been accompanied by a massive decline in physical sales, is a critical warning. People can shop more efficiently online and therefore don’t need to go to as many stores to find what they want. There’s a surplus of physical shopping space for the crowds, which is one reason why stores are downsizing and closing.

K) The rise of the mobile phone has recently added a new level of complexity to the process of retail reinvention. Even five years ago most people faced a choice. Sit at your computer probably at home or at the office, search and browse, and buy. Or head out to the mall, or Main Street, look and shop, and buy. Now, just about everyone has a smartphone, connected to the internet almost everywhere almost all the time. Even when a retailer gets a customer to walk in the store, she can easily see if there’s a better deal online or at another store nearby.

L) So far,the main thing many large retailers have done in response to all this is to open online stores, so people will come to them directly rather than to Amazon and its smaller online rivals. Many are having the same problem that newspapers have had. Even if they get online traffic, they struggle to make enough money online to compensate for what they are losing offline.

M) A few seem to be making this work. Among large traditional retailers, Walmart recently reported the best results, leading its stocking price to surge, while Macy’s Target, and Nordstrom’s dropped. Yet Walmart’s year-over-year online sales only grew 7 percent, leading its CEO to lament(哀叹),“Growth here is too slow.” Part of the problem is that almost two decades after Amazon filed the one-click patent, the online retail shopping and buying experience is filled with frictions. A recent study graded more than 600 internet retailers on how easy it was for consumers to shop, buy, and pay. Almost half of the sites didn't get a passing grade and only 18 percent got an A or B.

N) The turmoil on the ground in physical retail is hard to square with the Census data. Unfortunately, pant of the explanation is that the Census retail data are unreliable. Our deep look into those data and their preparation revealed serious problems. It seems likely that Census simply misclassifies a large chunk of online sales. It is certain that the Census procedures, which lump the online sales of major traditional retailers like Walmart with "non-store retailers” like food trucks, can mask major changes in individual retail categories. The bureau could easily present their data in more useful ways, but they have chosen not to.

O) Despite the turmoil, brick and mortar won't disappear any time soon. The big questions are which, if any, of the large traditional retailers will still be on the scene in a decade or two because they have successfully reinvented themselves, which new players will operate busy stores on Main Streets and maybe even in shopping malls, and how the shopping and buying experience will have changed in each retail category. Investors shouldn't write off brick and mortar. Whether they should bet on the traditional players who run those stores now is another matter.

36. Although online retailing has existed for some twenty years, nearly half of the internet retailers still fail to receive satisfactory feedback from consumers, according to a recent survey.

37. Innovative retailers integrate internet technologies with conventional retailing to create new retail models.

38. Despite what the Census data suggest, the value of physical retail's stocks has been dropping.

39. Internet-driven changes in the retail industry didn't take place as quickly as widely anticipated.

40. Statistics indicate that brick and mortar sales still made up the lion’s share of the retail business.

41. Companies that successfully combine online and offline business models may prove to be a big concern for traditional retailers.

42. Brick and mortar retailers’ faith in their business was strengthened when the http://fot.com bubble burst.

43. Despite the tremendous challenges from online retailing, traditional retailing will be here to stay for quite some time.

44. With the rise of online commerce, physical retail stores are likely to suffer the same fate as the yellow pages.

45. The wide use of smartphones has made it more complex for traditional retailers to reinvent their business.













36. Although online retailing has existed for some twenty years, nearly half of the internet retailers still fail to receive satisfactory feedback from consumers, according to a recent survey.

题干中nearly half of the internet retailers对应 M 段中Almost half of the sites,题干中a recent survey对应 M 段中A recent study

37. Innovative retailers integrate internet technologies with conventional retailing to create new retail models.

题干中Innovative retailers 对应 G 段中Creative retailers,题干中create new retail models对应 G段中innovate just about everything

38. Despite what the Census data suggest, the value of physical retail's stocks has been dropping.

题干中the Census data对应 D 段the Census data,题干中the value of physical retail's stocks对应D 段physical retail is thriving

39. Internet-driven changes in the retail industry didn't take place as quickly as widely anticipated.

题干中Internet-driven changes对应 I段中many widely anticipated changes,题干中didn't take place as quickly 对应 I 段中weren’t quick

40. Statistics indicate that brick and mortar sales still made up the lion’s share of the retail business.

题干中Statistics 对应 C 段中data,still made up the lion’s share of the retail business对应 C 段中brick and mortar sales accounted for 92.3 percent of retail sales

41. Companies that successfully combine online and offline business models may prove to be a big concern for traditional retailers.

题干中successfully combine online and offline business models对应 H 段中blending online and offline experiences in creative ways,题干中a big concern for traditional retailers对应H 段中what should keep old-fashioned retailers awake at night

42. Brick and mortar retailers’ faith in their business was strengthened when the http://dot.com bubble burst.

题干中the http://fot.com bubble burst对应 F 段中The http://dot.com burst,题干中faith in their business was strengthened对应 H 段中conventional retailers’ confidence in the future increased

43. Despite the tremendous challenges from online retailing, traditional retailing will be here to stay for quite some time.

题干中be here to stay for quite some time对应 O 段中still be on the scene in a decade or two

44. With the rise of online commerce, physical retail stores are likely to suffer the same fate as the yellow pages.

题干中physical retail stores对应 A 段中Brick and mortar stores (实体店),题干中suffer the same fate as the yellow pages对应 A 段中 be going the way of the yellow pages

45. The wide use of smartphones has made it more complex for traditional retailers to reinvent their business.

题干中The wide use of smartphones对应 K 段中The rise of the mobile phone,题干中for traditional retailers to reinvent their business对应 K 段中retail reinvention


“ 翻译 ”







这句话的难点在于,句子的定语部分难以处理,本句乍一看主干齐全,又看到句子的定语(世界上用作本族语人数最多的)中含有动作,是一个标准的定语从句,貌似很容易翻。但真到了下手的时候却发现这个“人数”起到了非常大的阻碍作用,根本没办法顺畅地翻译成从句。因此,同学们需要转换思路,想想,什么叫“将其用作本地语言的人”?不就是native speakers吗。因此我们可以将原文转化成“中文是世界上拥有最多native speakers的国家”,这么转化以后,本句再无任何难点,甚至连从句都不需要用到。


1) 汉语现在是世界上用作本族语人数最多的语言。

分析:本句主句是“汉语是一种语言”,从句是“将这种语言用作本族语言的人数最多”,我们惊奇地发现,从句中的定语(标黄部分)居然又可以拆分出一个从句,这下就很麻烦了,因为从句中套从句难度又高,翻出来又不美观,因此需要适当转换思路。请同学们想想,什么叫“说本族语的人”?英文当中其实有个很简单的表达就能说清楚,叫做native speaker,因此这句话的中文可以转化为“汉语是世界上拥有最多native speaker的语言”,主干是“汉语 是 语言”,另外还多了个“有”,可以用with的结构处理,轻松搞定。

翻译:Chinese is now the language with the largest number of native speakers in the world.

2) 汉语与西方语言的一个重要区别在于它是以方块字而不是字母构成的。


结构:重要区别 (between 汉语与西方语言) is that (它是以方块字而不是字母构成的)。

翻译:An important difference between Chinese and Western languages is that they are made up of character instead of letter.

3) 目前仍然在使用的书写系统中,汉语是最古老的。


翻译:Among the writing systems that are still in use, Chinese is the oldest.

从句精简一下,可以翻成——Chinese is the oldest writing system still in use.

4) 在中国,来自不同地区的人可能听不懂对方的方言,但由于汉字有统一的书写形式,他们交流起来几乎没有任何困难。


句1: 人 听不懂 方言,but

句2:because 汉字有 形式,

句3:他们 没有 困难。

翻译:In China, people from different regions may not understand each other’s dialects, but because Chinese characters have a unified writing style, they have almost no difficulty in communicating.

5) 汉语历史上对团结中华民族发挥了重要作用。

分析:主干很简单——汉语历史 发挥 作用 in 团结中华民族。注意词性,本句迎刃而解。

翻译:Chinese history has played an important role in uniting the Chinese nation.

6) 今天,随着中国经济的快速增长和全球影响力的增加,越来越多其他国家的人也开始学习汉语。


翻译:Today, with the booming of China's economy and growth of its global influence, more and more foreigners have begun to learn Chinese.


Part I Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay onthe importance of building trust between teachers and students. You should write at least 120 words but no more than180 words.


It is universally acknowledged that trust is one of the most valuable assets for interpersonal communication. However, it is not uncommon to have misunderstanding and generation gap between teachers and students. with the current trend of communication becoming necessary and indispensable in this ever-changing modern society, building trust is of great significance.

In order to set up the credibility between teachers and students, on the one hand, as teachers, we should sincerely deal with the students’ problems and difficulties, comprehending their necessities. On the other hand, as students, it is necessary that more understanding and respect should be given. Becoming good friends to have the trans-positional consideration each other can build a harmonious atmosphere.

Only in this way, would the relationship of trust between teachers and students be established effectively. When students encounter the difficulties and problems, they would be willing to turn to their respected teachers, whereby the education development in our country could have a further step.

PartⅡ Listening Comprehension ( 25 minutes)


Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension ( 40 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.

When Elon Musk says that his new priority is using artificial intelligence to build domestic robots, we should look forward to the day in admiration.

Mr. Musk is a guy who gets things done. The founder of two tech companies, Tesla Motors and SpaceX, is bringing electric vehicles to mass market and 26 humans to live on other planets. This sounds like so much hot air, but the near $13 billion fortune this entrepreneur has 27 comes from practical achievements rather than hypothetical ones.

A lot of clever people are 28 about artificial intelligence, fearing that robots will one day become so 29 that they’ll murder all of us. These fears are mostly 30 : as with hysteria about genetic modification, we humans are generally wise enough to manage these problems with speed and care.

And just think of how wonderful it would be if you had a live-in robot. It could, 31 , be like having a babysitter and a nurse rolled into one--or, if that required 32 intelligence beyond the power of Mr. Musk’s imagined machine, at least someone to chop the carrots, wash the car and mow the lawn. Once purchased and trained, this would allow the 33 user to save money and time, freeing up 34 space in our busy lives to read a good book.

That is why we welcome Mr. Musk’s latest 35 , and wish him well. As long as robots add to the sum of human happiness, reduce suffering, and create time to read world-class journalism, we should be their fans. Especially since journalism is one job robots will never do.

















26. D. enabling

27. A. amassed

28. N.terrified

29. L. smart

30. F. exaggerated

31. E. eventually

32. C. emotional

33. B. casual

34. J. precious

35. O. venture


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